Home of the SHARKS
With sportsmanship and a values-based approach at its center, our athletics program provides an excellent platform for students to develop fundamental movement and team skills across multiple sports.
We pride ourselves on the inclusivity of our athletic and activity programs and the high level of participation and commitment we see from our students year after year.
In the Elementary School, students take part in a weekly junior athletics program, which runs within the wider After School Activities (ASA) program. This program allows elementary students to experience a range of sports with a focus on fun, participation, and teamwork. From Grade 6 onwards, students have the opportunity to be involved in our competitive athletics program.
We RESPECT ourselves, our teammates, our coaches, our officials and our opposition
We PRIDE ourselves on our work ethic and we're proud of our school and our teams
We show COMMITMENT to our team, our school, and our community
To create an inclusive athletics program that empowers student-athletes to live our core values and make a positive impact.