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Include. Empower. Impact.

Creating an inclusive environment, nurturing empowered learners and making a positive impact.

Our mission at FIS is to INCLUDE, EMPOWER and IMPACT in all aspects of life - whether it be in the classroom, around the boardroom table, on the sports field, or out on the playground. Our safe and supportive learning environment, inquiry-based learning philosophy, and dedicated team of educators support this mission - empowering our students as they grow into inquisitive, balanced, confident learners.

Our guiding statement was created by our community, for our community. Selected by a diverse group of FIS community members (including students, staff members, parents and board members), the three words that make up our guiding statement were the result of an extensive collaborative brainstorming process, which took place throughout the first half of 2020. Our new guiding statement, incorporated within our new logo, was officially launched in August 2021. Read on to discover what each of the words that make up our guiding statement mean to our community.

Inspirational classroom learning

The words of our guiding statement not only capture the essence of who we are as FIS community members, but also what we aspire to achieve - both collectively and individually - on a daily basis.



  • Our students are taught the importance of inclusion in all aspects of life.
  • We welcome learners and personalities of all kinds and support them in feeling valued within our community.
  • We value and celebrate our diversity and community spirit.




  • We develop high levels of agency in our students, empowering them to own their learning.
  • We foster an environment of inquiry and self-reflection.
  • Our students thrive in our supportive and encouraging learning environment.
  • We encourage student leadership and provide opportunities for all types of leaders.


  • We encourage our students to contribute positively and responsibly to an ever-changing world and to make an impact in their own individual way.
  • Our educators have a lasting and positive impact on our students.



Guiding Statement

students on field